Monday, August 23, 2004

Truckstop Rules 101

Ladies - Ladies - two words for you today.


I have questions Lord - like for example:

  • Why does our women's restroom already look like the hookers from route 40 have been in there taking liberties with the toilet paper?
  • Who leaves unmentionable bodily fluids on TP for the next person to grab
  • Why must I be the one in the stall - when the remnants from that person are left behind
  • I don't see any 3 year olds in here - do these ppl act like this at home
  • I am definitely taking inventory of handwashing.... you gotta know man...
  • I know now why I value the hand sanitizer gel as I do

Anyway just a short bitter comment about how it's only 11am and our bathroom is already been skanked up - bleh.

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