Monday, August 30, 2004

I would like to give a little shout out to the ass fuck who left water all over the sink. When I leaned in to turn the water on, I got wet spots all over the front of my pants. Thanks a lot you inconsiderate bastard.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

One worthy site a day among the millions of others. Personally I think this is pretty fucking cool of 3M to do. Please sign up girls and be a part of this awesome project.

Monday, August 23, 2004

This is not what I wanted to see when I came out of the lunch room. Proof that indeed I work with some rather unsanitary people. Can I just say how nasty this is? By the way - who on earth is going to clean this up for you? WHO? Not me...maybe you think your mamma works here too? Well if she does, get her in there because no one that I know will touch this with a ten foot pole. Man, all I know is - my hand shaking and personal list of people I will touch is shrinking rather fast..... so who's hand did you touch today? BLEH - GROSS

Truckstop Rules 101

Ladies - Ladies - two words for you today.


I have questions Lord - like for example:

  • Why does our women's restroom already look like the hookers from route 40 have been in there taking liberties with the toilet paper?
  • Who leaves unmentionable bodily fluids on TP for the next person to grab
  • Why must I be the one in the stall - when the remnants from that person are left behind
  • I don't see any 3 year olds in here - do these ppl act like this at home
  • I am definitely taking inventory of handwashing.... you gotta know man...
  • I know now why I value the hand sanitizer gel as I do

Anyway just a short bitter comment about how it's only 11am and our bathroom is already been skanked up - bleh.

Offense #2

Okay Ladies, it must be national "Do Something Disgusting in the Bathroom Day." I should have had my camera, but I was just so utterly disgusted, I couldn't get out of the stall fast enough.

I pulled a piece of toilet paper off of the roll and there was a bloody fingerprint on it. WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE!!?!???!??

There are some sick, disgusting people in this world.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Ok - dude offense #1 captured on a digicam. Do 30 grown women not know where the trash is? YUCK - who's gonna touch this and throw this away? I have no idea - just an alert here girls ...there is no bathroom fairy, and until the bathroom cleaner comes we're all stuck knowing just how raunchy and nasty someone else is. GROSS !

Monday, August 02, 2004

The First Wave

Bathroom Score Card
Apparently some people have a difficult time using public restrooms. I HOPE that it is only in public restrooms that these people have this problem, otherwise I would HATE to see their bathroom at home.

In the name of all that is good, clean, and holy in a public restroom, I have created this score card. Each time you use the bathroom you can refer to this sheet and give yourself a score upon leaving the restroom. This test will help you be a better public restroom user and your coworkers will start to like you because of it.

Here we go (literally).

How it works...Read the following statements. For true statements, add the points up. For false statements, don't do anything.

01- I did not flush (add 30 points)
02- I used more than ONE seat cover (add 15 points)
03- I used more than TEN seat covers (add 25 points)
04- I left marks in the toilet (add 20 points)
05- I smeared something horrendous on the wall and/or toilet seat (add 20 points)
06- I splattered something on the wall and/or toilet seat (add 20 points)
07- I left hair on the toilet seat (add 10 points)
08- It was pubic (add another 20 points)
09- I left underwear fuzz, crack lint, or other material on the seat (add 15 points)
10- I clogged the toilet completely (add 25 points)
11- I chose to use a clogged toilet to make it more decorative (add 25 points)
12- I did not wash my hands (add 15 points)
13- I rinsed my hands, no soap (add 15 points)
14- I washed my hands with soap and cold water (add 10 points)
15- I left water all over the sink and counter top (add 10 points)
16- I left paper towels somewhere outside of the trash can (add 10 points)
17- I left hair on, in, or around the sink (add 10 points)


0 points
You are considerate and care about leaving the restroom in decent condition. If someone was killed in the restroom you used, it would never be traced back to you because it's like you were never there. You are so thoughtful that once in a while you will actually grab an extra paper towel and wipe the sink off, even though it wasn't your mess. You use a paper towel to open the bathroom door before exiting. You feel that you are so clean that you deserve a special bathroom, reserved only for you. You are anal. I love you.

10-50 points
You are generally pretty clean and hygienic. Most of the statements above apply to you. Once in a while you slip. You're in too much of a hurry to wash your hands in hot water, you forget to make sure everything went down cause you're late for a meeting. You could have zero points if you paid a little more attention. Try harder next time.

51-150 points
You are on the verge of becoming dirty. You just don't care much. You are not very thoughtful, but once in a while you remember to rinse your hands before you leave the bathroom. You can't seem to get paper towels in the trash can, but you don't care. You're too lazy to bend down and pick them up off of the floor after you drop them. You need to shower more often.

151-249 points
You are nasty and inconsiderate. You go about your day with total disregard that there are other human beings in this world who have to go where you have been. Things that are dirty get dirtier after you touch them. Because of you, the janitor comes 8 times a day and we have to have a plunger in the bathroom along with a red phone that says, "Lift receiver to dial janitor 911." YUCKY!

250-295 points
You are dirty. DISGUSTING. You should not be allowed into public, let alone in a public restroom where other people have to follow in your wake of destruction. You should have a tool belt equipped with a toilet brush, a plunger, bleach, and antiseptic wipes that you can hand to the person that uses the bathroom after you. You need to take a class on personal hygiene and general cleanliness. You suck.